How To Use Comet To Clean Toilet [ A Detailed Guide] - HomePander

How To Use Comet To Clean Toilet [ A Detailed Guide]

It is a must to choose the right toilet cleaner to get a sparkling clean and sanitized toilet. After choosing the right cleaner, you should know the exact procedure to apply it. Comet is one of the strongest toilet bowl cleaners to give you a hassle-free cleaning experience.

How to use comet to clean toilet?

Sprinkle the comet powder into the toilet bowl and seat. Then rest it on for 15 seconds. Next, take a toilet brush to scrub the toilet thoroughly. After finishing scrubbing, press the flush and enjoy a germ-free clean toilet. 

But we know only some words will not be enough to describe the whole process. You would like to know detailed and step-by-step instructions. Get in touch till the end to disclose everything about using Comet cleanser.

How To Use Comet Bathroom Cleaner

How To Use Comet To Clean Toilet

Mostly, all the bathroom cleaners using processes are more or less the same. But yes, every cleaner has some uniqueness to amaze you. Comet bathroom cleaner is made with ingredients that are highly effective in disinfecting your toilet. Before knowing its using process, let’s know what it is. 

What Is Comet Toilet Bowl Cleaner?

Comet Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Like other toilet cleaners, Comet doesn’t come in liquid form. Comet brings its toilet bowl cleaner in powder form instead of liquid form. The powder is made with multiple ingredients. Such as

1. Calcium carbonate 60-100%

This ingredient works for your scrubbing assistant. It helps you remove all dirt, stains, and watermarks without hard scrubbing.

2. Sodium carbonate 7-13%

This acid is a cleaning agent of this cleaner. It kills all kinds of germs, bacteria, and viruses from the toilet. Not only that, but it also removes the soap scum and odors from the toilet.  

3. Sodium Calcium hydroxide 1-5%

It will adjust the pH level of the cleaner to avoid any scratches on the floor and toilet surface. 

4. Sodium dichloro-s triazinetrione dihydrate 1-5%

This chemical ingredient helps the powder dissolve in water quickly. After dissolving, it reacts with chlorine to control algae growth and remove organic contaminants.

5. Fragrance

As the original odor of the cleaner is very harsh, it adds some natural fragrance. The fragrance offers you a sweet smell when using it. 

6. Green 7

It adds Green 7 color to bring a good look of the cleaner.  These are the most common ingredients of this Comet cleaner. Now let’s know on which surfaces you can use it. That’s why you can easily determine your using surfaces.

What Can You Use Comet For?

You can use Comet toilet bowl cleaner for mostly all kinds of bathroom and toilet surfaces, as it doesn’t have any harsh chemicals. Here is a list of surfaces where you can use Comet bleach powder to get the utmost cleaning result 

  • Porcelain
  • Ceramic tile
  • Natural marble
  • Corian
  • Solid surfaces
  • Fiberglass
  • Stainless steel

Ultimately, it’s time to know how you can clean toilets with Comet cleaner. The toilet has an outer part, seat, bowl, and tank. So you can apply Comet everywhere to clean every inch of the toilet. You should start from the outside, as it is the least dirty space of the toilet, and gradually go into more dirty areas. 

1. Clean the outside of a toilet

clean outside of toilet

You should clean the bathroom outside weekly to get out harmful bacteria. Use a wet microfiber cloth, wipe them at the top of the bathroom, and gradually wipe them down. Following these steps can make the wiping more effective.

  • First, wipe on the flusher button or handles and the topside area to clean excess water. Otherwise, the bleach will flood away. 
  • Next, sprinkle Comet powder by covering the top to bottom of the toilet.
  • Wait for a few minutes to soften the dirt.
  • Finally, gently scrub the seat’s exterior underside of the tank, and bolts.  Wipe the top and porcelain rim outside the bathroom bowl with the base.

2. Clean Toilet Tank

clean toilet tank

People think it is not important to clean the toilet tank. But the truth is you must clean the toilet tank crucially once a month. 

  • Switch off the water valve and flush the bathroom to spend the tank water. 
  • Now apply Comet toilet cleaner on the tank. 
  • Wait for 2-3 minutes.
  • Then take a toilet brush or sponge to scrub the tank. 
  • Turn on the water valve and use the toilet hand shower to wash the bathroom tank.

3. Clean toilet seat and bowl

clean toilet seat

Toilet seat and bowl is the most affected area, where germs and bacteria growth rate is extremely high. So you should properly clean these two areas to avoid germ’s contaminated diseases. 

  • Throw a 2-3 teaspoon Comet powder into the toilet bowl, and keep them resting for a few minutes to react with dirty places. 
  • Now, use your regular toilet cleaning brush to scrub the seat and bowl gently. You can wear hand gloves to protect your hands from germs. 
  • Flush the toilet 4-5 times to remove the loose dirt and cleaner’s residue. 
  • Then use a hand shower to clean the toilet bowl and seat’s every space because toilet flushing water can not clean the toilet seat.

4. Clean the floor

clean toilet floor

Yes, we know the floor is not a part of your toilet. But if you have a boy kid in your house, there is a high risk of urine spreading on the floor. 

So you can use any enzyme-based urine off and probiotic-based chrismal to absorb urine from the bathroom surfaces and remove the bad odor. You can apply it weekly or monthly based on your toilet condition.

Alternative Toilet Cleaner of Comet

alternative toilet cleaner

Though Comet claims that you can use it on porcelain, experts don’t recommend it. They found Comet scratches on porcelain. So, to clean porcelain bowls, you can choose a nonabrasive bathroom cleaner such as Bon ami Powder Cleaner. It is a gentle cleaner that won’t create scratches on the porcelain, but it’s effective in removing germs and grime. Follow these steps to apply it efficiently.

  • Before applying this soft cleaner, press the flush to make the bathroom wet.
  • Then spread the bon ami powder throughout the porcelain bowl
  • Now take a toilet brush and scrub it for sometimes
  • Press the flush

Now see the toilet becomes sparkling clean without a single scratch. It is an eco-friendly, chemical-free, pet-friendly but powerful cleaner that you can use both in the bathroom and kitchen.

Expert Tips For Cleaning Your Toilet Effectively Using Comet

  • It is not good to keep the Comet powder for more than 2 minutes into any toilet bowl. That can make the powder harder, and you will struggle to remove the powder that also creates unwanted scratches. So, start scrubbing quickly.
  • Choosing the right toilet brush is also important to get better results. You can use a bristle toilet brush that is slightly oval-shaped and is ideal for removing deeper stains.
  • Yet Comet can remove bad odors, dirt, and grime; you can also use a beverage tank to get nice orange smells. 
  • If you want to get orange perfume from the toilet bowl, put a few scoops of tang in the bowl and keep it resting for some time. Wipe the tang with the toilet brush or sponge, then flush it to get a nice smell. You can skip this DIY idea if you don’t like the smell.

Well, the comet is a powerful and affordable RV toilet cleaner that can efficiently clean any plastic toilet bowl.  It is a scratch-free toilet bowl cleaner and can disinfect your toilet. 


1.  What products are ok to use clean toilets?

You can use waterproof rubber gloves, toilet brush, all-purpose toilet cleaner, microfiber cloth, scrub sponge, disinfectant spray, vinegar, and many more to clean toilets. These are safe products for bathroom cleaning.

2. Can you use Comet on bathroom sinks?

Yes, you can use Comet on your bathroom sinks. It effectively works on all kinds of sinks, including marble, porcelain, natural stone, etc. But, you have to use the right amount of Comet based on your sink space and conditions. 

3. Is Comet bad for plumbing?

Yes, using Comet is not a good idea for plumbing. It will create problems with certain kinds of plumbing pipes.  

4. How strong is Comet cleaner?

Comet is a superb strong bathroom cleaner and can kill up to 99.9% of germs and bacteria. It will also remove hard water film, soap scum, and stubborn stains.

5. Is Comet with bleach septic safe?

The Comet is completely septic safe and doesn’t damage it. But, you have to use this according to the instructions you will find on the container’s label. 

6. Why is Comet cleaner so expensive?

The company uses many cleaning agents that will clean your toilet without harming it. Comets don’t have any bleach. So it is slightly expensive when compared to the same cleaning products.

Final thought!

Here we talk about everything you need to know regarding how to use Comet to clean toilet. Hopefully, it will help you get rid of stubborn stains, stuck poop, bad odor, and germs. We try to give you a step-by-step guide to clean the toilet effectively without damaging it.

A toilet is a place where you need to go many times a day. So, don’t skip the cleaning for laziness. A dirty toilet can cause so many diseases as it contains germs and bacteria. So by using Comet and following our steps and tips, you can effortlessly keep your bathroom safe and healthy.

However, you can also apply this brilliant cleaner in kitchens, showers, cooktops, or many more appliances. So it is a versatile cleaner that won’t disappoint you with its performance. The Comet is the best choice to get a deep cleaning and get rid of stubborn stains.

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sharone stela
By sharone stela

Sharone Stela has been a homeowner for 19+ years and has always done his own cleaning, repair, and improvement tasks.

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Mohammad Ali Ahsanul Karim

Ali Ahsanul Karim

Ali Ahsanul Karim, a seasoned professional in the realm of paint and toilet cleaning, brings a wealth of expertise to the field. With a passion for enhancing living spaces, he combines innovation and practical know-how to redefine standards in both aesthetics and hygiene. .

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