How Long do Power Washer Last and What Damages Them?

Maybe you were washing your driveway on a Friday morning with a power washer. Then suddenly it stopped working.

It feels like you bought it yesterday and now it no longer works. You begin to wonder how long do power washer last usually. 

If you have such questions and are looking for the answers then give this article a read.

Here, we’ll not only answer this particular question but we’ll also see the factors that damage your machine.

You see, the power washers can last from 50 to 100 hours of usage. Its durability depends on its quality and how well you handle it. At the same time- bubble formation in water, thermal damage, and the unloader valve setting can contribute to its damage.

Sounds confusing? Let’s look at this in more detail to have a clever idea.

How long does the power washer last?

how long do power washer last

One of the most common questions out there is how long a power washer lasts. Some people ask it to know whether they should invest in power washers or not.

Others have curious minds and want to know more about their products. Well, whatever the reason we have the answer for you.

The sad thing is the answer isn’t straightforward. It depends on the type of washer you’re using. You see, quality plays a big role in determining it’s lasting period.

Another factor to consider is how you use it or how long can you run a pressure washer. If you don’t take proper care of your product it will not last for long.

To be specific a low-quality power washer lasts for 60 to 100 hours of use. On the other hand, the better quality ones last a total of 500 hours of usage.

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Sounds very less, doesn’t it? Only 60 hours that’s so little. 

Well, it’s not very less. On average, you use a power washer for 50 hours in an entire year.

So, the low-quality ones last for 1-2 years while the high-quality ones last for around 10 years. Hence, before buying a power washer make sure you invest in a good one.

What damages a power washer?

Since you now know how long a power washer lasts you might be wondering what causes the power washer to get damaged. 

Knowing this might help you prevent your precious machine from getting damaged. So, let’s look at the factors, shall we?

Bubble formation in water

The formation of bubbles in water inside the power washer is known as cavitation. This is one of the most common ways a power washer gets damaged.

There are mainly 2 factors that make their contribution to bubble formation.

One factor is the low water supply rate. Another problem occurs when the diameter of the hose is too small.

You see, each power washer has a specific demand for water supply. And if it’s lower than the minimum requirement it puts a strain on the machine.

Thus, over time the washer loses its capacity to work.

So, to solve this problem you can take a measured bucket and fill it with water from the power washer. Then use a clock to measure the time it takes to fill the bucket. 

Afterwards, simply divide the bucket’s capacity by the number of minutes it took to fill it up. You’ll then have your rate of water supply.

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Match it with the instruction box to see if it’s on the right level or not. In case it isn’t, go to the nearest hardware store to have it fixed by a mechanic.

As for the next problem, which is the diameter of the garden hose, simply change it to suit the power washer.

Otherwise, the narrow hose will coggle up and block the water supply once and for all.

Thermal damage

Another factor that might damage your power washer is overheating. Yes, it might be shocking because power washers are designed to handle high pressure.

So, why can’t these heavy machines overcome overheating?

The thing is people assume that a machine that deals with high pressure is prone to heat as well. Although they are to some extent, extra thermal power can still deteriorate them.

This excess heat is produced when the trigger of the power washer is released by turning off the machine first. 

The high pressured water cannot escape from the hose and they end up creating the excess heat.

The best solution is to turn off the machine before letting go of the trigger. This will ensure your power washer has a long and healthy life.

The unloader valve setting

Lastly, we’ll focus on the unloader valve and how it damages your power washer.

You see, the unloader valve is responsible for ensuring that the water travels to the pump when the washer is not being used.

So, if they’re not properly installed the water will flow to the wrong places and your entire washer will get messed up.

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Don’t worry; the solution is very simple. Just take out your instruction manual and go to the unloader valve section. It’ll show you the correct setting. 

All you have to do is follow it properly and your power washer will run smoothly. 

Related Questions

Question: Do power washer nozzles wear out?

Answer: Sadly, the power nozzles wear out with time and you need to apply more pressure to make it work.

Question: Are power washer tips universal?

Answer: No, the nozzles of the power washer are not interchangeable. Thus you cannot borrow your neighbor’s nozzle. Sadly, you’ll have to go to the store to buy a new one.

Question: Can you wash a car with a power washer?

Answer: Although it might look clean, it does some damage to your car that you’ll notice after a few washes. So, our advice is don’t do it.

Ending words

We hope our article was helpful to you and you got the answers that you were looking for. As a goodbye gift, we have one suggestion for you.

The next time you buy a power washer keep in mind about how long do power washer last. This will make you understand that you need to invest in a good quality washer so that it lasts longer.

With that being said, we end our article here. Do let us know about your thoughts on this matter.


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