How To Clean White Film Off Shower Tiles? [4 Easy Methods]

It requires a lot of elbow grease, time, and effort to clean the dirty shower tile with too many stubborn stains and water skid marks. But when you notice the white film on the shower tile after drying, it seems very irritating and disgusting. That time a question pops up in your mind; how to clean white film off shower tiles?

Make a mixture with a 1:1 ratio of white vinegar and plain water. Pour the solution over the tile where you notice the white film. Let the solution rest for 15-20 minutes and scrub with a sponge. Now rinse the tile and see a clyster clear tiles surface. 

But, it is not the only solution to remove white film from your shower tiles. There are so many methods to overcome this problem. This article will disclose 4 separate solutions to keep your shower tiles always neat and clean without white film. So let’s get started. 

How To Remove White Film From Shower Tiles?

Before solving any issues, first, you have to know why the problem arises. It is said that if you know the reason for the problem, you can take action accordingly. That helps you a lot to properly treat the problem. That’s why before removing white film you should know what it is. 

What Is White Film On Shower Tiles?

The white film is one kind of grout. Basically, you use shampoo, soap, and other chemicals at the time of bathing. All of these have magnesium and calcium stearate. When they come attached to hard tiles, it forms a chalky residue underneath the tiles. The chalky residue is called the white film, and it is visible after drying the tiles. 

Now you know how the white film is formed on your tiles. So it is high time to discover the solutions to remove it. You can remove this irritating residue by using some kitchen ingredients. 

Method # 1 Using white vinegar and water solution

white vinegar and water solution

Vinegar is one of the most used cooking ingredients that increase the taste of your food. But, it contains acetic acid so that you can use it as a cleaner. Even vinegar prevents the growth of bacteria, germs, mold, and mildew. You need some equipment to easily remove the stubborn satin and white film from tiles with vinegar. 

The list of equipment

  • One cup of warm water 
  • One Cup of white vinegar
  • A medium-size soup bowl 
  • A teaspoon to stir the mixture 
  • Spray bottle to keep the solution
  • Scrubbing brush or sponge to scrub the tiles
  • A bucket to keep plain water 
  • A long handle mop to rinse the floor 
  • A small room heater or fan to dry the floor
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Step – 1

Take one cup of warm water and one cup of white vinegar in a bowl. Now stir water and vinegar to mix each other perfectly. After that, pour the solution into a spray bottle. (If you want, you can store the solution for future use.)

Step – 2 

First, identify the white film on your porcelain shower tile and sprinkle some solution on the floor. Then allow the solution on the tile’s surface for at least 15-20 minutes. In this time, the white film will loosen from the tiles. 

Step – 3

In this step, gently scrub the tiles with a  sponge or scrubbing brush. When you scrub, it helps to eradicate the calcium deposits that are the white film. Don’t over rub the tiles; that will damage the tile’s sealant and reduce shininess.

Step – 4

Lastly, damp the mop into the bucket’s water and rinse the floor from one corner to another. Do it two to three times so there will not remain any solution residue. 

Step – 5 

Keep a small room heater, or fan in the bathroom to dry the floor. That’s all. 

Method # 2 Using salt, and baking soda

salt and baking soda

Salt is one of the eco-friendly and economical kitchen ingredients. You can use its sanitizing power as a natural detergent to clean your shower tiles’ white film. The salt works great to clean almost all types of tile surfaces except marble. Because marble is very sensitive, and salt may damage it. You have to prepare some equipment to use salt to clean your shower tiles.

The list of equipment

  • A handful of salt
  • 1.5-liter hot water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda
  • A soup bowl
  • A glass
  • An old toothbrush 
  • Plain water
  • Towel or sponge

Step – 1

Take a soup bowl, pour 1.5 liters of hot water in the bowl and throw a handful of salt in the water. If the tiles’ have too much stubborn satin add 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into the bowl. Now make a creamy compound; like the texture of paste. 

Step – 2

In another bowl, pour half a glass of water and an equal amount of salt to make a homogeneous mixture. 

Step – 3

Pour the mixture on the floor and apply the creamy compound over the white film with the help of an old toothbrush. After that, gently rub the film with the brush and remove the soap scum, stain, and water marks from the floor. Remember, never harshly rub the floor; it will cause scratches on the tiles.

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Step – 4

Mop the floor to clean all the dirt and solution residue. Pet dry the tiles with a towel or sponge. 

Method # 3 Using of Trisodium Phosphate (TSP)

Trisodium Phosphate

If the homemade remedy can’t solve your problem, then you have to use a chemical agent.  TSP or trisodium phosphate is a cleaner with sodium hypochlorite and works as a bleach or disinfectant. You can apply the TSP to remove the white film from the tile surface. Besides tiles, you can apply this cleaner on brick, wood, natural stone, or cement to increase their shine. 

The list of equipment

  • ¼ cup of Trisodium phosphate (TSP)
  • One gallon of hot water
  • A bucket to mix the TSP and water
  • Boot, hand gloves, face mask, and sunglass to ensure safety
  • A Sponge or stiff brush
  • A mop 

Step – 1

As the TSP is a chemical cleaner, first you  have to wear boots, hand gloves, a face mask, and sunglasses as your safety precautions. 

Step – 2

Pour one gallon 3.75 liters of hot water and ¼ cup of trisodium phosphate into a bucket. Then stir the mixture to properly dissolve the TSP. 

Step – 3

Dip the sponge or stiff brush into the mixture and rub the spaces where you found the white film on the tiles. Carefully do it, as the mixture is very harsh and can harm you. 

Step – 4

When you complete scrubbing, rinse the tiles to clean the floor properly. Then let the floor rest for some hours to dry and prepare for next use.  

Method # 4 Using Bio-Clean Hard Water Stain Remover

Bio Clean Hard Water Stain Remover

If you don’t have time to follow all the above methods and want a ready-to-use solution to remove the white film, then Bio-Clean Hard Water Stain Remover is your ultimate option. It is ready to use spray cleaner that works effectively on any hard floor. The bio clean water stain remover can easily clean white film, stubborn water satin, soap scum, grime, and mineral deposits. 

The list of equipment

  • Bio-Clean hard water Stain Remover
  • A dry microfiber cloth
  • A soft bristle scrubbing brush

Step – 1

Figure out the spots of white film and spray the remover on the floor. After that, leave the spray for 5-10 minutes to loosen and soften the film. 

Step – 2

Now pick the dry microfiber cloth and wipe the tiles to see how shiny the tiles will be. If you find that the tiles shine like showroom condition, then it’s ok. 

Step – 3

But, if you find it needs some gentle scrubbing to remove the stubborn stain, then lightly scrub the tiles with a soft bristle brush.  Then again, wipe the floor.   

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Some Helpful Tips On How To Clean White Film Off Shower Tiles

We know you don’t want to damage your expensive tiles by using the wrong products and treatments. So, here we will share some beneficial tips to avoid damaging your tiles. 

  • When installing the tiles or using sealant, never forget to remove the installing residue and extra sealant. 
  • Don’t hurry when cleaning the tiles. Keep some time at hand, do the task with patience and dedication. 
  • Before applying any method, keep in mind your tiles’ types because every method does not work efficiently on every type of tile.
  • Keep the kids away when you use TSP or Bio-Clean Hard Water Stain Remover because both of these are chemical agents. 


What is the white residue on the shower tile?

Efflorescence is mostly known as white residue on the shower tiles. It is caused because of water penetration that is stored underneath the tiles and the highly porous grout. 

How do you remove white scaling from bathroom tiles?

Make a mixture of equal amounts of white vinegar and baking soda. The mixture looks like a paste. Apply the formula on the tiles, and keep it there for 10 minutes. Vinegar’s acetic acid will cut off the scale, and baking soda will loosen the grime from the grout and mold. Then rinse the floor and get a scale-free bathroom tile. 

How do you remove cloudiness from tiles?

White vinegar and water will effectively remove the cloudiness from the tiles. In a bucket, pour 2 cups of white vinegar and 2 cups of plain water. Stir the mixture, dampen a sponge into the bucket, scrub the tiles lightly, and remove the cloudy haze of your bathroom tiles. 

How do you clean stained shower tiles?

Take a spray bottle and pour 3 cups of vinegar, 1½  cup of warm water, and 1½ teaspoon of dishwashing soap. Shake the bottle to mix all of the things and spray the liquid on the tiles. After 15 minutes, scrub the tiles with a sponge and remove the stain and grime.  


So, now you have got the answer to your inquiry: how to clean the white film off shower tiles. Apply any method according to your tile type to remove the white films. Not only that, but the solution also helps reduce the chance of getting back the white films again. 


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