Commercial bathroom cleaners are expensive, and often they might not deliver the level of effectiveness you have been looking for. As an alternative, you can use something cheaper that you can easily find in your pantry. Yes, you got it! We are talking about baking soda indeed. Today, we will explain how to clean bathroom using baking soda.
You can use baking soda with vinegar, water, and other essential oils to clean your bathroom.
We had briefly gone through how to clean bathroom with baking soda in some of our previous articles, like the bathroom sink one and the bathroom mold one. This article will solely fixate on baking soda as a bathroom cleaning agent and discuss the methods you can apply while using different parts of the bathroom.

Things You Would Need
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- Detergent
- Ammonia
- Sponge
- Toothbrush
- Toilet bowl brush.
- Salt
How To Clean Bathroom Using Baking Soda: Toilet
Step 1. Add Baking Soda To The Toilet Tank Water And Flush It

Open the toilet tank lid and throw in half a cup of baking soda. Allow it to mix for half an hour before you flush it all out. The stream of baking soda solution will remove and weaken the stains on the toilet bowl.
Step 2. Clean Inside The Toilet Tank

Once the tank gets empty, check the tank for stains and grime buildup. Take a few teaspoons full of baking soda in a sprayer bottle, and then add water. Shake the bottle well so that the mixture gets properly blended. Spray the dirty regions and wipe them with a clean cloth. Let it dry for 15/20 minutes, and then wash it off with clean water, preferably warm.
A thicker baking soda solution will be more effective against more resilient stains. In that case, add a few tablespoons of water into equal amounts of baking soda. Apply the resulting paste into the affected spots and leave them for about half an hour. Afterward, rinse with water to remove the paste alongside the stains.
Step 3. Clean The Toilet Bowl

Now, turn your attention towards the toilet. In this section, we will show you how to clean bathroom with baking soda and vinegar. First, spread some baking soda powder across the stains. To clean the inner rims of the bowl, you can spray some baking soda mixture there. Wait for 30 minutes before moving on to the next step.
Then, cover the baking soda layers with splashes of vinegar. The combined cleaning force of vinegar and baking soda will deal with the most enduring of dirt specks and limestone buildup. Now, take a toilet bowl brush and scrub the toilet bowl well. Flush the toilet again to finish off.
How To Clean Bathroom Using Baking Soda: Bathtub
Step 1. Prepare A Baking Soda-Detergent Paste
Bathtub stains mostly result from soap scums. Therefore, you will need some extra help to remove clean bathtubs other than baking soda. Here is where the detergent comes in. Detergents are not reactive to salts like baking soda, so pairing up detergent and baking soda to get rid of soap scums makes sense.
Take a small amount of baking soda and mix it with the same amount of detergent powder. Then, add some water to form a paste.
Step 2. Apply The Paste
Apply the paste to the stained region. Then, scrub the scum off with a scrubber. Continue scrubbing until the scrub comes off.
NOTE: This method might not work if the scum has been there for too long. For a deeper clean, mix a quarter cup of baking soda, a half cup of vinegar, and a cup full of ammonia to a gallon of warm water. Pour the mixture on the scum stain and scrub it with a washcloth.
Remember, ammonia can damage the skin and cause toxic fumes. So, wear a pair of gloves, goggles, and a respiratory mask while dealing with ammonia.
How To Clean Bathroom With Baking Soda: Faucets
Step 1. Create Vinegar-Baking Soda Paste
Vinegar breaks up the sediment build-up in faucets and showerheads. How to clean bathroom with vinegar? It dries off too soon once it comes in contact with air. To remedy this problem, you can make a vinegar-baking soda paste. Drop 10/15 drops of vinegar on 3 or 4 tablespoons of baking soda, and voila! The paste is ready for action!
Step 2. Apply The Paste
Apply the paste on the faucets and showerheads. Wait for 15 minutes for the mixture to take effect.
Step 3. Rinse Off With Warm Water
Rinse the faucets and showerheads with warm water. The stains should go away.
How To Clean Tiles & Grout With Baking Soda?
Step 1: Apply Baking Soda-Vinegar Paste On Tiles
Coat the dirty spots on the tiles with baking soda-vinegar paste. Do not wash it away for at least 15 minutes. Once the paste dries off, rinse it off with water.
Step 2. Apply Baking Soda On Grouts
Apply baking soda on grout lines with the help of a used toothbrush. Again, wait for an appropriate amount of time before cleaning it off with water.
How To Clean Bathroom Drain With Baking Soda?
Wikihow suggests dropping or readying a solution of half cup baking soda and a quarter cup of salt. Include a cup of heated vinegar as well. Hang on for 15/20 minutes, and then dump the mixture down the drain. Then, flush the drain with warm water. You can apply this procedure to get rid of smelly and clogged bathroom drains.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Is Baking Soda So Good For Cleaning?
Baking soda makes the grime more dissolvable to water. For this reason, grime and dirt easily wash away with water after a baking soda treatment.
Final Say
As you can see, it is easy to learn how to clean bathroom using baking soda. Do not underestimate baking soda cleansing because of its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. You will be surprised to know that it often does a better job than many commercial formulas available for purchase.