Lysol Vs Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Which One to Pick - HomePander

Lysol Vs Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Which One to Pick

The main difference between Lysol and Clorox is that Clorox comes with bleach as an active ingredient, whereas Lysol is a bleach-free safe formulation. 

Though both are powerful toilet cleaners, they efficiently remove stains, disinfect the toilet, and make it spark clean and bright.

Both have different ingredients thus, leading to differences in the cleaning procedure and prices.

However, this article will inform you about the differences between Lysol vs. Clorox so you can clearly understand which will help you most in toilet cleaning.

Reading this two-minute blog post will assist you in finding the right cleaner for your bathroom. Also, it will save the hours you spend finding your toilet cleaner.

So let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Lysol vs. Clorox: Quick Comparison Table

Let’s take a glance at the quick comparison table between Lysol and Clorox so you can understand their basic distinction. 

Specifications Lysol Toilet Bowl CleanerClorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Formation TypeGelGel
Containing BleachNoYes
Key Cleaning Substance Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach
Chemical Residue No harsh chemical residueSometimes can leave bleach residue
ScentRefreshing scentDeodorizing effect
PriceLow price High price

Overview Of Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Lysol toilet bowl cleaner gel is formulated with hydrogen peroxide with a non-bleach formula, making the cleaner safe and environmentally friendly. The concept of this germ-killing formula is to create thousands of microbubbles that disintegrate soap scum and grease. It eliminates 99.9% of viruses and bacteria.

It comes in a thick gel that clings to the toilet bowl. You can effectively remove tough stains and toilet bowl rings with Lysol, even if it’s a yellow-colored toilet. It also eliminates odor-causing bacteria. 


  • The thick gel doesn’t slide quickly down the bowl
  • Super easy to use, smells clean and is not too strong
  • Lifesaver for those who can’t use bleach


  • Required more scrubbing than Clorox

Overview of Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach formula disappeared the toilet grime within minutes after applying. It works great for brightening, whitening, and deodorizing the toilet bowl.

The bleach can eliminate the tough stains and disappear instantly. Thus many consumers review that they are relieved from cleaning the toilet using Clorox. If you’re worried about Bleach harshness, the good news is bleach quickly breaks down into a non-toxic product called H2O. 

Clorox toilet bowl cleaner is highly recommended for those who want to get rid of hard stains such as water build-up from hard water. Even if your toilet needs a deep cleaning, Clorox will effectively help you with one-time cleaning with a very little scrubbing. Thus you can save time and not require any elbow grease for cleaning the toilet. 


  • Quick cleaning solution requires minimal scrubbing
  • Doesn’t discolored toilets to keep its pristine look 
  • Non-hazardous and environment-friendly


  • Light color is hard to see in the toilet

Lysol vs. Clorox: In-depth Comparison

Lysol Vs Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner

If you have time and want to learn more about the aspects where Lysol and Clorox win over each other, then keep reading our side-by-side comparison of the two products. 

1. Safe formulation

Nowadays, people are minded to safely use formulated, non-toxic, and environment-friendly products. If you’re one of them, you must not like chemicals or abrasive-based products.

  • Lysol

If you’re a person who is allergic or sensitive to chemicals, Lysol is the best option for you. Its chlorine bleach-free formula protects you and your family. Especially if you’ve pets or kids in your home, you must pick a product that won’t harm them by any chance. 

Besides, some of us prefer to use environmentally friendly products like Lysol, and thus Lysol toilet bowl cleaner will be our first choice.

  • Clorox

The bleach formula of Clorox toilet cleaning liquid made it question how much it’s safe to use. Though the brand ensures that the product is not toxic or abrasive, we know bleach is more or less toxic, and it should be handled carefully.

Winner: Lysol

2. Cleaning Capability

Lysol and Clorox are very popular due to their excellent cleaning performance. Their consumers are also very satisfied, according to their reviews on different e-commerce platforms. But if you look closely, there is a slight difference in their cleaning capabilities. 

  • Lysol

Lysol efficiently wiped out your toilet bowl’s soap scum, limescale, and yellow stains without bleach. 

But the strong cleaning agents are harsh, which Lysol doesn’t contain. So the safe formulation of Lysol sometimes can’t eliminate the tough stains, and you might need multiple applications and scrubbing to remove the stain completely. 

  • Clorox

With powerful stain-removing bleach substances, it’s unquestionable that Clorox can easily remove stubborn stains and make your toilet bowl squeaky clean. It only takes 5-10 minutes to work on stains, and one-time cleaning is enough to give you a clean toilet. 

Clorox will work best for both of them, whether you’re using the cleaner for regular toilet cleaning or deep cleaning after ages. 

Winner: Clorox

3. Disinfectant Capability

Along with cleaning, disinfection of your toilet bowl is also essential to keep your toilet germ free and healthy.

  • Lysol

Lysol disinfectant the toilet excellently. It can kill 99.9% of bacteria and germs in your toilet bowl. 

  • Clorox

Its strong disinfectant element helps you kill the germs and ensures no germs or viruses are clinging to your toilet.

Winner: Draw

4. Cleaning Procedure

Busy people always look for products that work fast and effectively to make the job easier. In that case, you need a cleaner that quickly cleans the toilet with minimal effort. 

  • Lysol

To clean, Apply at least 4 oz of Lysol to cover the bowl, including under the rim. Let it sit for 10 minutes, and then scrub the entire bowl. Lastly, flush off the toilet bowl. 

Using Lysol needs a bit of scrubbing to remove stains and turn your toilet sparkling clean. Sometimes for tough stains, you might do the cleaning procedure with Lysol for more than one time. As a result, you have to give your toilet quality time while cleaning with a Lysol toilet bowl cleaner. 

  • Clorox

To sanitize, you must apply Clorox, brush the bowl and let it sit for 5 minutes. And then wash it off with clean water. 

For disinfection, let the formula sit for 10 minutes. Clorox isn’t required to be used more than once, no matter how tough the stain is. Thus it’ll save much of your time.  

Winner: Clorox

5. Safety Precautions

While applying chemical-based cleaners, you should be extra cautious about taking safety precautions. 

  • Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner

As Lysol toilet bowl cleaner contains no harmful bleach or toxic ingredients. So it doesn’t require wearing masks, gloves, or protective eye gear for safety precautions. 

The biggest benefit of the Lysol formula is that you don’t have to be cautious to protect yourself from any harsh or irritating substances. Also, you don’t have to worry about storing the formula safely to ensure your child or pet can’t reach it. 

  • Clorox 

Clorox contains bleach and chemicals, which can sometimes cause irritation or allergic reaction. Especially if you are allergic to these harsh substances, you must wear safety gear like gloves, eye goggles, masks, etc. Also, wash your hands with soap and water after cleaning the toilet with Clorox. If you have kids and pets, you must keep the cleaner out of their reach.

Winner: Lysol

6. Safety For Toilet Components

Would you want a cleaning product that could gradually damage your toilet components, like a toilet ring or septic tank? 

Of course not.

Though every cleaner is more or less harmful for toilet components, we can compare which will do less harm.

  • Lysol

The non-toxic agents of Lysol minimize the risk of damaging septic tanks. But as it’s a cleaner after all, sooner or later, it’ll affect your septic tank.

Nevertheless, you might also be worried about your toilet rings. You want to ensure a long life and keep your toilet components like toilet rings intact. So you should pick a non-abrasive and safe formulated cleaner like Lysol.

  • Clorox

Although Clorox claims itself as septic safe, as we know, it contains bleach, so the cleaner is not completely safe for your septic system.

Even though Clorox is non-abrasive, it could be too strong for toilet rings. If you use it in a certain toilet regularly, the bleach content may gradually damage the rubber rings, leading to leaks and repair and sometimes even replacing the toilet bowl.

Winner: Lysol

7. Smell

Isn’t it great to get a fresh smell or deodorizing effect after cleaning the toilet? Even if you don’t need to buy the toilet deodorizer separately.

  • Lysol 

Lysol’s non-bleach formula leaves a fresh scent for a great-smelling home. The refreshing smell makes your bathroom smell clean and inviting. 

  • Clorox

Clorox leaves a deodorizing effect after cleaning the toilet. Bleach effectively kills the odor-causing bacteria, which helps your toilet smell fresh for a longer period.

Winner: Draw

8. Ease Of Application

If your cleaner is easy to apply, it makes your job much more hassle-free.

  • Lysol

Lysol designed its packaging with its angled bottle, making it easy to apply on the toilet’s hard-to-reach sections. You can squirt the bottle on the rim, and the substances will cover the entire bowl.

However, the screw top of Lysol packaging is a bit difficult to twist open, and close. In that case, don’t rush. Do it calmly for correct application. 

  • Clorox

Clorox features a special nozzle that will allow you to spread the formula to every corner of the toilet bowl and apply it with ease. 

Winner: Draw

9. Ease of Visibility

If your cleaner is dark in color, it will be easier to see how much you have applied.

  • Lysol

The dark blue color makes it easy to see where the cleaner is applied. So you don’t need to wonder where you poured the Lysol and don’t need to put it extra. 

  • Clorox

As Clorox liquid substances are light in color, it is quite hard to spot where it was applied, and sometimes you have to put on more to make sure the entire toilet is covered. 

Winner: Lysol

10. Price

Finally, let’s talk about the most important thing, price. You must have a budget for your daily household cleaning products. So let’s see which one will come within your budget. 

  • Lysol 

Lysol comes with a 24 oz. Bottle. It’s a budget-friendly pick if you want to invest in the cheaper but more effective one. 

  • Clorox

Clorox toilet bowl cleaner, comes with 24 oz. Bottle too. But it comes with a one or two-dollar more price tag than Lysol. 

Winner: Lysol

Related articles

Can You Mix Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner And Bleach?

No. The Lysol cleaner line favors ammonia. If you mix bleach and ammonia chemicals, this will produce caustic gasses that are extremely harmful. So avoid mixing Lysol toilet bowl cleaner with bleach. 

What do professionals use to clean toilets?

Professional cleaners use household cleaners such as toilet bowl cleaner, bleach, disinfectant wipes, non-scratch scrub sponge, microfiber cloth, and paper towels. 

Is Clorox or Lysol toilet cleaner better?

Which one is better depends completely on your requirements. Clorox wins to clean stains, hard water marks, and mineral rings efficiently. Besides, Lysol offers a lower price with an amazing, safe formulation. 

Lysol Vs Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner: Which One To Choose?

In case your toilet has high traffic, and you need to give it a frequent deep clean, or you might be a busy person who needs some quick and effortless cleaning solution, then Clorox is the excellent pick for you.

Besides, if your toilet doesn’t require deep cleaning and regular cleaning is enough for you, then the safe Lysol can not be beaten by any other cleaner. On top-notch, people who are allergic to bleach or other chemical-based cleaners can absolutely trust Lysol.

So if you value maximum cleaning performance, try out Clorox or if you care more about safety and price, then pick the Lysol toilet bowl cleaner.

Final Thought

So, that’s all about the differences between Lysol vs. Clorox toilet bowl cleaners. As you can see, the winner ultimately depends on your toilet’s situation. 

Regardless of which cleaner you choose, consider which one fulfills most of your requirements and which aspects you can sacrifice. Afterward, you can make a better decision.

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sharone stela
By sharone stela

Sharone Stela has been a homeowner for 19+ years and has always done his own cleaning, repair, and improvement tasks.

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Mohammad Ali Ahsanul Karim

Ali Ahsanul Karim

Ali Ahsanul Karim, a seasoned professional in the realm of paint and toilet cleaning, brings a wealth of expertise to the field. With a passion for enhancing living spaces, he combines innovation and practical know-how to redefine standards in both aesthetics and hygiene. .

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